Coastal Fishing
In Mauritania, no foreign ship is allow to fish in coastal waters but those registered under Mauritanian flag. To be noted that a bilateral agreement exists but with Senegal only.
Fishing areas depends upon the type of catch and the period of year. Fishing depth is about 20 m and fleets are mostly located within the 6 miles boundary. Yearly fishing catch is about 80.000 tons
Most of catch is disembarked in Nouadhibou at the artisanal port « Etablissement Portuaire de la Baie du Lévrier » providing that ships are smaller than 26 m.
Special agreements can be elaborated to let a foreign prospects go coastal fishing under fishing fleet list of a Mauritanian partner.
Broadly the Coastal fishing is allowed within the Mauritanian EEZ and more specifically:
North from Cap Timiris and West from a line drawn between the following points:

- 20°46'30 N and 017°03'00 W Cap blanc
- 19° 57'00 N and 016°45 00 W Intersection with base line
- Cap Blanc Cap Timiris with the West boundary of Banc d'Arguin National Parc (PNBA)
- 19° 21 00N et 16° 45 00 W (SW end of the PNBA area)
- South of 19° 21 00 North Cap Timiris
According to the Mauritanian law, a "coastal fishing license" allows for whatever demersal kind of catch including fish, shrimp, lobster, cephalopods, etc...