Industrial & Commercial Fishing Licenses Consulting
Brokerage and Additional Services
According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the demand for fish has risen at twice the rate of human population growth since 1961! All across the world, the demand for fish and fish by-products has significantly increased. With demand for fish increasing, fishing rights have become a valuable asset. We can help any entity interested in fishing rights obtain a commercial fishing license to catch fish on an industrial level. In most cases we can provide any industrial fishing entity unhindered access to fishing waters without any restrictions or quotas. To obtain more info about how to obtain an industrial fishing license or permit please contact us.
Commercial Fishing vs. Artisanal (small scale) Fishing
The world's fisheries today are organized in two quite distinct sectors: artisanal fisheries and industrial fisheries. Most of so called artisanal fisheries are a in fact the traditional local fisheries that have changed very little over past centuries. Consequently, they are usually requiring low technology, are labor-intensive and confined to near-shore or inshore fishing grounds. The industrial fisheries, on the other end, are calling for high technology and are quite capital intensive. The commercial fishing vessels are generally large and well equipped, and can sail widely over the oceans. With regard to vessel numbers and employment, the artisanal sector dominates the world's fisheries. Almost 85% of the world's fishing vessels and 75% of the fishermen are artisanal ones. However, due to its low technology and limited range, the artisanal fleet is only a small fraction of the world's catch of fish. In addition, the traditional fisherman yield is low, his income is generally small and his working conditions poor. The industrial fishing sector is economically much more efficient. Although the industrial fleet only comprises 15% of the world's fishing vessels and approximately 50% of the total tonnage of the world's fishing fleet, it accounts for over 80% of the volume of sea catch in the world.
Fishing Agreements
Fisheries in the West African Marine Economic Region (WAMER) generate some US$400 million annually, making them the single most important source of foreign currencies and a key source of revenue for local economic and social development.
Since the EU own stocks are recognized as depleted, there are political pressures on the EU commission to secure as much access to West African waters as possible. Faced with decreasing stocks, the West African countries and the European Union concerns are progressively focused on “sustainable fishing policies”.
Fishing agreements give to African states valuable financial compensation in exchange for fishing rights for foreign vessels, which, in this region, come mostly from Spain and Portugal , but also from Italy , Holland , France , Greece and other EU countries. However ships from the EU are not the only foreign industrial trawlers operating in this part of the world. Russians, Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese and Koreans are present, too.
West African governments have to balance their need for foreign exchange earnings with the need for fish stocks safeguarding, not only for the future but also to help feed their own people today. “Fishing in third countries is therefore not unethical, the point is to make sure it is done in a proper way” (Gregor Kreuzhuber, EC fisheries spokesman)
Fishing In West African Waters.
Within the West African Marine Economic Region, there are many accessible Economic Exclusive Zones where commercial fishing activities can be organized. In Mauritania , for example, where landings top 600,000 metric tons annually, foreign industrial fishing fleets catch about 80% of the fish while the smaller scale, artisanal sector catches around 20%. The money generated by selling fishing rights to foreign fleets in national waters provide this country with 20-25% of budget receipts every year. Fishing also generates more than 36,000 jobs in the country. Recently, 173 trawlers from EU countries have got permits to fish in Mauritanian waters, as well as over 160 trawlers from other foreign countries. Mauritania has also improved its investment climate so that foreign operators can integrate their activity into coastal economies. As for many other countries in this part of the world, the dream is therefore to provide a livelihood for all of its people today, but not to kill the goose - or rather the fish, in this case - that lay the golden eggs…
Selling fishing rights are now made in view of the creation and maintenance of sustainable fisheries, the enforcement of current fishing policy, the use of local labor forces or infrastructures in order to create jobs and alleviates poverty in the long term.
The Industrial Fishing Department of ProFortis International Ltd,
Your Gateway to Commercial and Industrial Fishing Licenses!